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Карате (2010)


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Читательский рейтинг:


  • A legendary karate world champion (Van Damme), known as The Piston because of the speed of his legs, is famous and wealthy and has the martial arts world as his feet. But his ego takes control and his world begins to crumble around him. He loses his family and his life goes into a downward spiral. Before long, this one time champion is living like a bum on the streets of Los Angeles.

    Then, the Piston meets KK, an internet fight promoter. KK has a dream... to find a fighter good enough to win the prestigious freestyle mega fighting championship in Las Vegas. The Piston returns to his karate roots in Japan to find the fighting edge he needs to become a champion again. He comes back to Las Vegas for his make it or break it fight, for the fight of his life in the cage against the undefeated young champion from New York The Bulldozer.

    This classic, gritty, riches-to-rags-to-riches story has a heartfelt, nail-biting, edge-of-your-seat finale. It is one of the greatest fight movies of all time, appealing to a wide-ranging, new-generation audience and especially to the millions of karate and martial arts fans around the world who are hungry for a new martial arts epic in the tradition of Bloodsport.

Дата выхода

  • США: 2010 год


  • Росс У. Кларксон


  • Жан-Клод Ван Дамм, Андрей Арловский, Фёдор Емельяненко


1 из 1

Подкасты и стримы

Новые выпуски подкастов

2Телеовощи – 545: Первый и последний
14Лазер-шоу «Три дебила» – 616: «Сто лет тому вперёд», «Падение империи», новое «Очень страшное кино», перезапуск «Ведьмы из Блэр»
4Ноль кадров в секунду – 522: Не против
4ЕВА – 577: Кайдзю-приставка
4Телеовощи – 544: Где проходит граница
1Лазер-шоу «Три дебила» – 615: Запрет Гая Ричи, анонс «Матрицы 5», «Годзилла и Конг: Новая империя», «Хитмен. Последнее дело»
0Ноль кадров в секунду – 521: Пенис-терминатор
2ЕВА – 576: Приключения Шерлока Барса и Доктора Водкинса
0Телеовощи – 543: Мебель с сюрпризом

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