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Белый шторм 2: Наркобароны

The White Storm 2: Drug Lords

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  • There is an iron rule in the Ching Hing Gang: No drug dealing. The gang leader, Yu Nam (by Kent Cheng), has two right-hand men: one is Tin (by Andy lau), a bright and sober adherent of principles and loyalty; the other is Jizo (by Louis Koo), a cold-blooded smart man who secretly runs a drug business without Nam's knowledge. Ordered by the top leader, Tin taught Jizo a lesson by cutting off one of his fingers and expelled him from the gang. On the same night, policeman Fung (by Michael Miu)'s wife was killed in Jizo's nightclub during an operation. Meanwhile, Tin swore to change sides after his beloved girlfriend walked out of his life. 15 years later, the local drug market is now quadripartite. Jizo becomes the biggest drug dealer in Hong Kong; while Tin has now established himself as a financial tycoon and a philanthropist, and is offering a $100 million bounty to eliminate the No.1 drug dealer in Hong Kong. It causes a stir in both the society and the underworld.


  • Герман Яу


  • Энди Лау, Луи Коо, Крисси Чау, Jin Au-Yeung, Кент Ченг, Мишель Вай, Джай Дэй, Kar Yan Lam, Kiu Wai Miu

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4Лазер-шоу «Три дебила» – 629: «Гарфилд», «Байкеры», дизлайки «Гладиатора 2», чёрный Капитан Америка, новые сказки
1ЕВА – 590: (Не) реклама пива
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1Лазер-шоу «Три дебила» – 628: «Полицейский из Беверли-Хиллз 4», ужастик от лица маньяка, «Головоломка 2», «F1» с Брэдом Питтом
3ЕВА – 589: Канонизация грузовика-куна
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