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Earth, 2147. The legacy of the Metal Wars, where man fought machines—and machines won.
Bio-Dreads: Monstrous creations that hunt down human survivors—and digitize them.
Volcania: Center of the Bio-Dread Empire-stronghold and fortress of Lord Dread, feared ruler of this new order.
But from the fires of the Metal Wars arose a new breed of warrior, born and trained to bring down Lord Dread and his Bio-Dread Empire. They were Soldiers Of The Future — mankind's last hope.
Their leader, Captain Jonathan Power (Tim Dunigan), master of the incredible Power Suits, which transform each soldier into a one-man attack force, Major Matthew 'Hawk' Masterson (Peter MacNeill), fighter in the skies, Lieutenant Michael 'Tank' Ellis (Sven-Ole Thorsen), ground assault unit, Sergeant Robert 'Scout' Baker (Maurice Dean Wint), espionage and communications, and Corporal Jennifer 'Pilot' Chase (Jessica Steen), tactical systems expert. Together they form the most powerful fighting force in Earth's history. Their creed: to protect all life.
Their promise: to end Lord Dread's rule. Their name: Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future!
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