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Между небом и землей (2005)

Just Like Heaven

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  • When David (Mark Ruffalo) sublet his quaint San Francisco apartment, the last thing he expected—or wanted—was a roommate. He had only begun to make a complete mess of the place when a pretty young woman named Elizabeth (Reese Witherspoon) suddenly shows up, adamantly insisting the apartment is hers. David assumes there's been a giant misunderstanding… until Elizabeth disappears as mysteriously as she appeared. Changing the locks does nothing to deter Elizabeth, who begins to appear and disappear at will — mostly to rebuke David for his personal living habits in her apartment. Convinced that she is a ghost, David tries to help Elizabeth cross over to the "other side." But while Elizabeth has discovered she does have a distinctly ethereal quality—she can walk through walls — she is equally convinced that she is somehow still alive and isn't crossing over anywhere. As Elizabeth and David search for the truth about who Elizabeth is and how she came to be in her present state, their relationship deepens into love. Unfortunately, they have very little time before their prospects for a future together permanently fade away.

Дата выхода

  • США: 16 сентября 2005 года


  • Марк Уотерс


  • Рис Уизерспун, Марк Руффало, Джон Хедер



  • DreamWorks Pictures



$ 2 068 216$ 38 424 283


  • $ 58 000 000

О съемках

29 августа 2005 года


4 из 4

Подкасты и стримы

Новые выпуски подкастов

2Телеовощи – 558: У вас аколит
0Ноль кадров в секунду
4Лазер-шоу «Три дебила» – 629: «Гарфилд», «Байкеры», дизлайки «Гладиатора 2», чёрный Капитан Америка, новые сказки
2ЕВА – 590: (Не) реклама пива
1Телеовощи – 557: Шутки ниже сосиски
1Ноль кадров в секунду – 535: Берегите ваши уши
1Лазер-шоу «Три дебила» – 628: «Полицейский из Беверли-Хиллз 4», ужастик от лица маньяка, «Головоломка 2», «F1» с Брэдом Питтом
3ЕВА – 589: Канонизация грузовика-куна
1Телеовощи – 556: Как дыра влияет на драму

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