Ночь живых мертвецов 3D (2015)
In this 3D chiller, Barb and her brother, Johnny, arrive late for the burial of their aunt - and walk straight into a nightmare. With zombies on her heels, Barb flees the cemetery and is rescued by Ben, a local college student. The two seek refuge in the neary farmhouse of the Cooper family, wher the laid-back residents aren't remotely prepared to have their lives turn into a horror movie. But Barb is destined for an even grimmer confrontation - with the dark secret of the pyrophobic mortician, Gerald Tovar, Jr.
Дата выхода
- Jeff Broadstreet
Screenwriter: Robert Valding
Starring: Brianna Brown, Joshua DesRoches, Sid Haig, Greg Travis, Johanna Black, Adam Chambers, Ken Ward, Alynia Phillips, Max Williams, Cristin Michele
Genre: Horror
MPAA Rating: R (fo
- Brianna Brown, Joshua DesRoches, Sid Haig, Greg Travis, Johanna Black, Adam Chambers, Ken Ward, Alynia Phillips, Max Williams, Cristin Michele, Genre: Horror, MPAA Rating: R, Official Website:
- Robert Valding
Starring: Brianna Brown, Joshua DesRoches, Sid Haig, Greg Travis, Johanna Black, Adam Chambers, Ken Ward, Alynia Phillips, Max Williams, Cristin Michele
Genre: Horror
MPAA Rating: R (for horror violence and gore, language,
- Midnight Movies Entertainment
Director: Jeff Broadstreet
Screenwriter: Robert Valding
Starring: Brianna Brown, Joshua DesRoches, Sid Haig, Greg Travis, Johanna Black, Adam Chambers, Ken Ward, Alynia Phillips, Max Williams, Cristin Michel
$ 714 877
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