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Чак и Ларри: Пожарная свадьба (2007)

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry

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  • Adam Sandler (Click) and Kevin James (Hitch) team as two straight guys who stumble down the aisle with the best of intentions in I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. Chuck Levine (Sandler) and Larry Valentine (James) are the pride of their fire station: two guy's guys always side-by-side and willing to do anything for each other. Salt-of-the-earth widower Larry wants just one thing: to protect his family. His buddy Chuck also wants one thing: to enjoy the single life. Grateful Chuck owes Larry for saving his life in a fire, and Larry calls in that favor big time when civic red tape prevents him from naming his own two kids as his life insurance beneficiaries. All that Chuck has to do is claim to be Larry's domestic partner on some city forms. Easy. Nobody will ever know.

    But when an overzealous, spot-checking bureaucrat becomes suspicious, the new couple's arrangement becomes a citywide issue and goes from confidential to front-page news. Forced to improvise as love-struck newlyweds, Chuck and Larry must now fumble through a hilarious charade of domestic bliss under one roof. After surviving their mandatory honeymoon and dodging the threat of exposure, the well-intentioned con men discover that sticking together in your time of need is what truly makes a family.

Дата выхода

  • США: 20 июля 2007 года


  • Деннис Дуган


  • Адам Сэндлер, Кевин Джеймс, Джессика Бил, Дэн Эйкройд, Стив Бушеми, Винг Рэймс



  • Universal Pictures


$ 2 872 167$ 110 484 335$ 57 742 506


  • $ 85 000 000


29 марта 2007 года

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0Ноль кадров в секунду – 569: Уйти от самих себя
0Телеовощи – 590: Офонарели вообще

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3ЕВА – 623: Полный мешок Егора

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2Телеовощи – 589: Комедийные роды

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0Ноль кадров в секунду – 568: Потеряться в правах

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0Ноль кадров в секунду – спецвыпуск 124
5ЕВА – 622: Конфетка Пиппина

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