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Virtua Fighter 4 (2002)

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  • The series that ignited the 3D fighting genre has returned to dish out more punishment. From the renowned team at SEGA-AM2, led by Virtua Fighter and Shenmue creator Yu Suzuki, comes Virtua Fighter 4 for the PlayStation® 2 computer entertainment system. This new version of the definitive hand-to-hand martial arts sim features fully-optimized graphics designed to harness the power of the PlayStation 2. But it’s not just about looks, and VF4 delivers an extremely deep fighting system, highly-tuned AI, and two new characters hungry for their place at the top. If you are new to the Virtua Fighter series, the in-depth training system will teach you the art of combat, move-by-move. Rewards await those who master every move, and you can expect to unlock a few secret techniques along the way. The series that started it all is back, and ready to stand triumphant again on the PlayStation 2.

    • Two new characters (Lei Fei and Vanessa Lewis) join 11 VF veterans for a grand total of 13 fighters, each with their own unique styles based on real martial arts.
    • New counters and defensive moves allow players to switch up their stances and fighting styles mid-bout.
    • High-polygon character models, exquisite detail, and brilliant light-sourcing combine to create breathtaking visuals.
    • Coach your own AI character -- train a computer-controlled character through sparring and an easy-to-use rewards system, then pit your character against a friend’s or challenge the arcade mode.
    • A new accessory system allows you to customize your character’s clothing, sunglasses, hairstyles, and more.
    • Unlock special items that let you to learn devastating new moves.

Дата выхода

  • США: 19 марта 2002 года


  • SEGA-AM2


  • SEGA of America, SCEE


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